I’m commited
I prefer to work with the best materials available but understand that there is a time and place for the right material. Having worked with all types of material I know where, when and how to get the most out of them with your budget in mind. There is a trade off sometimes that goes unnoticed, sometimes using lesser grade materials adds time to the build progress so in the end it is more advantageous to use the best materials available. Better build quality and a more progress in a shorter amount of time. A job well done means being as conscious of material usage and just like Norm Abram, the smaller the waste pile the better.
About Me
As a youngster I started messing around with tools willingly, curious to what they do and how they work. The ability to fix, change, manipulate or even destroy things easier than I could do without them. Inspired by professionals, like Norm Abrams, Bob Vila, Ed Feldman and Joe L’Erario, enjoying their occupation by using their amazing talents to create beauty where there once wasn’t.
I thought it was just a hobby until it started taking more of my free time. I couldn’t stop thinking about design, wood species, jointery, finishes and much more that goes into it. Not an uncommon story or an exciting one but a necessary journey for me to find where I fit in best.
Watching these guys and others before me has given me the understanding that many people have the talent to create beauty, but the real talent lies in the process. I think the tell tale sign of someone committed to their craft is how much patience and devotion they have on a daily basis. The curiosity to experiment or challenge previous thoughts methods or processees based on new information. The is endless information to learn in this occupation and I’m right where I need to be.